Vitenskapelige artikler med fagfellevurdering (2014-2015)
Amundsen HB, Laberg JS, Vorren TO, Haflidason H, Forwick M, Buhl-Mortensen P., 2015. Late Weichselian–Holocene evolution of the high-latitude Andøya submarine Canyon, North-Norwegian continental margin. Marine Geology 363: 1–14.
Belt, S.T., Cabedo-Sanz, P., Smik, L., Navarro-Rodriguez, A., Berben, S.M.P., Knies, J. & Husum, K., 2015. Identification of paleo Arctic winter sea ice limits and the marginal ice zone: Optimised biomarker-based reconstructions of late Quaternary Arctic sea ice. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 431:127-139.
Buhl-Mortensen, L., Buhl-Mortensen, P. Dolan, M.F.J., Holte, B., 2015. The MAREANO programme – a full coverage mapping of the Norwegian off-shore benthic environment and fauna. Journal of Marine Biology Research 11 (1): 4-17.
Buhl-Mortensen, L., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Dolan, M., Gonzales Mirelis, G., 2015. Habitat mapping as a tool for conservation and sustainable use of marine resources: some perspectives from the MAREANO programme, Norway. Journal of Sea Research (MESH Atlantic: Mapping Atlantic Seabed Habitats for Better Marine Management) 100:46-61.
Buhl-Mortensen, Lene, Kari E. Ellingsen, Pål Buhl-Mortensen, Kristian L. Skaar, Genoveva Gonzalez-Mirelis, 2015. Trawling disturbance on megabenthos and sediment in the Barents Sea: chronic effects on density, diversity, and composition. ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (suppl. 1): 98-115.
Buhl-Mortensen, L, Olafsdottir SH, Buhl-Mortensen, P, Burgos, JM, Ragnarsson, SA., 2015. Distribution of nine cold-water coral species (Scleractinia and Gorgonacea) in the cold temperate North Atlantic in light of bathymetry and hydrography. Hydrobiologia 759:39-61.
Buhl-Mortensen, L, Tandberg AH. S, Buhl-Mortensen P., Gates AR., 2015. Behaviour and habitat of Neohela monstrosa (Boeck, 1861) (Amphipoda, Corophiida) in Norwegian Sea deep water. Journal of Natural History 50 (5-6): 323-337.
Buhl-Mortensen P, L Buhl-Mortensen, 2014. Diverse and vulnerable deep-water biotopes in the Hardangerfjord. Marine Biology Research, 10 (3): 253-267.
Brendryen, J., Haflidason, H., Rise, L., Chand, S., Vanneste, M., Longva, O., L'Heureux, J-S. & Forsberg, C.F.: Ice sheet dynamics on the Lofoten - Vesterålen shelf, north Norway, from Late MIS-3 to Heinrich Stadial 1.Quaternary Science Reviews 119, 136-156.
Bøe, R., Skarðhamar, J., Rise, L., Dolan, M.F.J., Bellec, V.K., Winsborrow, M., Skagseth, Ø., Knies, J., King, E.L., Walderhaug, O., Chand, S., Buenz, S. & Mienert, J., 2015: Sandwaves and sand transport on the Barents Sea continental slope offshore northern Norway. Marine and Petroleum Geology 60: 34-53.
Clippele L. H. De, Buhl-Mortensen P, Buhl-Mortensen L., 2015. Fauna associated with cold water gorgonians and sea pens. Continental Shelf Research 105:67-78.
Gonzalez-Mirelis G, P Buhl-Mortensen, 2015. Modelling benthic habitats and biotopes off the coast of Norway to support spatial management. Ecological Informatics 30:284-292.
Lecours, V., Lucieer, V.L., Dolan, M.F.J. & Micallef, A., 2015. An Ocean of Possibilities: Applications and Challenges of Marine Geomorphometry. In: Geomorphometry for Geosciences, Jasiewicz J., Zwoliński Zb., Mitasova H., Hengl T. (eds): Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań - Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, International Society for Geomorphometry, Poznań. pp 23-26.
Pathirana, I., Knies, J., Felix, M., Mann, U. & Ellingsen, 2015. I. Middle to late Holocene paleoproductivity reconstructions for the western Barents Sea: a model-data comparison. Arktos: doi: 10.1007/s41063-015-0002-z, s. 1-17.
Olsen, E, Holen, S., Hoel A.H., Buhl-Mortensen L., Røttingen I., 2015. How Integrated Ocean governance in the Barents Sea was created by a drive for increased oil production. Marine Policy, November 2015. 8 sider.
Reiss H, Birchenough S, Borja A, Buhl-Mortensen L, Craeymeersch J, Dannheim J, Darr A, Galparsoro I, Gogina M, Neumann H, Populus J, Rengstorf AM, Valle M, van Hoey G, Zettler ML, Degraer S., 2015. Benthos distribution modelling and its relevance for marine ecosystem management. ICES Journal of Marine Science 72(2): 297–315.
Ringvold H, Hassel A, Bamber R, Buhl-Mortensen L., 2015. Distribution of Sea Spiders (Pycnogonida, Arthropoda) off northern Norway, collected by MAREANO. Marine Biology Research 11(1): 62-75.
Ringvold H. & Tandberg AHS, 2014. A new deepwater species of Calliopiidae: Halirages helgae (Crustacea, Amphipoda), with a synoptic table to Halirages species from the north-east Atlantic European Journal of Taxonomy 98: 1-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2014.98
Rise, L., Bellec, V.K., Chand, S. & Bøe, R., 2015: Pockmarks in the southwestern Barents Sea and Finnmark fjords. Norwegian Journal of Geology 94: 263-282.
Sauer, S., J. Knies, A. Lepland, S. Chand, F. Eichinger & C. J. Schubert: Hydrocarbon sources of cold seeps off the Vesterålen coast, northern Norway. Chemical Geology 417: 371-382.
Savinov, V., Petrova, V., Boitsov, S., Plotitsyna, N., 2015. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons in sediments from the Barents and White Seas. PANGAEA® Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.848575 2015
Stelzenmüller, V. Vega Fernández, T., Cronin, K., Röckmann, C., Pantazi, M., Vanaverbeke, J., Stamford, T., Hostens, K8, Pecceu, E., Degraer, S. , Buhl-Mortensen, L., Carlström, J., Galparsoro, I., Johnson, K, Piwowarczyk, J., Vassilopoulou, V., Jak, R. , Pace, M.L. and van Hoof, L., 2014. Assessing uncertainty associated to the monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas. Marine Policy 51:151-162.
Dolan, M. F. J., & Lucieer, V. L.: Variation and Uncertainty in Bathymetric Slope Calculations Using Geographic Information Systems. Marine Geodesy 37, 187-219.
King, E.L., Bøe, R, Bellec, V.K., Rise, L., Skarðhamar, J., Ferré, B. & Dolan, M.: Contour current driven continental slope-situated sandwaves with effects from secondary current processes on the Barents Sea margin offshore Norway. Marine Geology 353, 108-127.
Pathirana, I., Knies, J., Felix, M. & Mann, U.: Towards an improved organic carbon budget for the western Barents Sea shelf. Climate of the Past, 10, 569-587. Doi: 10.5194/cp-10-569-2014
Birchenough, S. N.R., Reiss, H., Degraer, S., Mieszkowska,N., Borja,A, Buhl-Mortensen, L. Braeckman,U., Craeymeersch,J., De Mesel,I., Kerckhof,F., Kröncke,I., Parra,S., Rabaut,M., Schröder,A., Van Colen,C.,Van Hoey,G., Vincx,M.,Wätjen, K., 2014. Climate change and marine benthos: a review of existing research and future directions in the North Atlantic. WIREs Clim Change, 2014. doi: 10.1002/wcc.330
Ringvold H, Hassel A, Bamber R, Buhl-Mortensen L. 2014. Distribution of Sea Spiders (Pycnogonida, Arthropoda) off northern Norway, collected by MAREANO. Marine Biology Research.
Rapporter i egne rapportserier
Buhl-Mortensen P, Dolan M, Lien V., 2015. Bruk av oseanografiske data i biotopmodellering. Havforskningsrapporten 2015, pp 132-134.
Boitsov Stepan, Jarle Klungsøyr, 2015. Undersøkelser av organiske miljøgifter i sedimenter fra MAREANO-området i 2014. Rapport fra Havforskningen (19), Havforskningsinstituttet. 50 s.
Dolan, M.F.J, Thorsnes, T., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Bjarnadottir, L.R., Ekehaug, S., Sandvik Aas, L.M., Tegdan, J., Ludvigsen, M.: Evaluation of Underwater Hyperspectral Imagery (UHI) for MAREANO. NGU Report 2015.047, 129 pp.
Jensen, H.B.K, Seither, A., Knies, J. & Thorsnes, T., 2015. Miljøgeokjemiske data og dateringsresultater fra Norskehavet, Finnmark og Barentshavet Øst - MAREANO. NGU rapport 2015.038, 65 pp.
Thorsnes, T., van Son, T.C., Dolan, M.F.J., Gonzales-Mirelis, G., Baeten, N., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Bjarnadottir, L.R., Hodnesdal, H. & Bellec, V., 2015. An assessment of scale, sampling effort and confidence for maps based on visual and acoustic data in MAREANO. NGU Report 2015.043, 97 pp.
van Son, T.C., Dolan, M.F.J., Gonzales-Mirelis, G., Thorsnes, T., Bjarnadottir, L.R. &Buhl-Mortensen, P., 2015. Environmental Variability Index (EVI) - a MAREANO methods study for guidance of sampling effort. NGU Report 2015.027, 54 pp.
Rapporter i ekstern rapportserie
Buhl-Mortensen, L. & Holte, B., 2015. Bunndyr varsler om miljøforandringer. Ottar 304:24-29.
Lucieer, V., Roche, M., Degrendele, K., Malik, M. & Dolan, M., 2015: Chapter 3: Seafloor backscatter user needs and expectations. In Lurton, X.; Lamarche, G. (Eds) (2015) Backscatter measurements by seafloor mapping sonars. Guidelines and Recommendations. pp 53-78.
Populærvitenskapelige artikler (eksterne nettsider)
Buhl-Mortensen, P., 2015. I mål med enda ett vellykket tokt. www.forskning.no. 8.9.2015.
Buhl-Mortensen, P. og Thorsnes, T., 2015. Oppdaget nytt korallrev utenfor Nordland. www.forskning.no. 8.9.2015.
Boitsov, S., Thorsnes, T., Bellec, V., Baeten, N. og Buhl-Mortensen, P., 2015. På jakt etter forurensning i Norskehavet. www.forskning.no. 4.9.2015.
Buhl-Mortensen, P. og Gonzalez-Mirelis, G., 2015. Tett i tett med dyphavssjøfjær. www.forskning.no. 1.9.2015.
Rise, L, Bellec, V. og Plassen, L., 2015. Sprekker på bunnen nord for Storeggaraset. www.forskning.no. 31.8.2015.
Bellec, V., Rise, L., Plassen, L., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Boitsov, S., 2015. Matter med bakterier på havbunnen. www.forskning.no. 25.8.2015.
Buhl-Mortensen, P. og Bellec, V., 2015. Sokkelkantens hemmeligheter. www.forskning.no. 25.8.2015.
Buhl-Mortensen, P., 2015. Årets siste tokt. www.forskning.no. 21.8.2015.
Holte, B., 2015. Toktet er i mål. www.forskning.no. 22.6.2015.
NN, 2015. Høy produksjon og stor fiskeriaktivitet. www.forskning.no. 22.6.2015.
Bjarnadóttir, L.R. og Holte, B., 2015. Hurra – vi er ferdige med R-stasjon nummer 1500. www.forskning.no. 19.6.2015.
Jensen, H., Bjarnadóttir, L.R. og Faust, J., 2015. Pockmark i Barentshavet. www.forskning.no. 18.6.2015.
Holte, B., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Voronkov, A., Sveistrup, A., Skulstad, E.M., Jensen, G., Gabrielsen, H., Heggebakken, L., 2015. Barentshavet – høy produksjon og rike dyresamfunn. www.forskning.no. 17.6.2015.
Bjarnadóttir, L.R., Faust, J., Jensen, H., Sveistrup, A., 2015. Hjelmen – i saltets rike. www.forskning.no. 15.6.2015.
Buhl-Mortensen, L. og Holte, B. 2015. Det snør i Barentshavet. www.forskning.no. 15.6.2015.
Holte, B., Bjarnadóttir, L.R. og Buhl-Mortensen, L. 2015. Barentshavet på storskjerm! www.forskning.no. 12.6.2015.
Hvingel, C., Holte B., Hansen C., 2015. Snøkrabbe spiser den maten fisken ikke finner. www.forskning.no, 20. mai 2015.
Presentasjoner og foredrag
Andreassen, K., Winsborrow, M., Hubbard, A.L., Patton, H., Bjarnadóttir, L.R., Rüther, D.C. & Auriac, A.: Retreat patterns of the former Bjørnøyrenna Ice Stream, polar north Atlantic. International Union for Quaternary Research Congress 2015.
Bjarnadóttir, L.R.: Marine geological mapping - users´needs. MIM workshop, NGU, 8.-9. December 2015.
Bjarnadóttir, L.R.: Marine geologiske kart - mulige bidrag til NiN. Møte med Artsdatabanken, Trondheim 15. des. 2015.
Bjarnadóttir, L.R., Winsborrow, M., Andreassen, K., Esteves, M.S.R. & Shackleton, C.: The influence of subglacial hydrology on glacial dynamics. PAST Gateways 2015, Potsdam, Tyskland.
Bjarnadóttir, L.R., Winsborrow, M. & Andreassen, K.: Subglacial hydrology of the marine-based Barents Sea Ice Sheet during deglaciation. International Union for Quaternary Research Congress 2015, Nagoya, Japan
Boitsov Stepan; Henning KB Jensen, 2015. Hvilke kjemidata har vi og hvordan brukes de? MAREANO kartlegging av miljøgifter i sedimenter. Foredrag ved MAREANO-konferansen, Oslo, 2015-10-29 - 2015-10-29
Boitsov, S. 2015. Mapping of PAH in marine sediments as part of MAREANO program. Experiences from 10 years of MAREANO program. Foredrag ved Workshop on methodology of Arctic monitoring of hydrocarbons, St.Petersburg, Russland, 2015-12-02 - 2015-12-03.
Brendryen, J., Haflidason, H., Rise, L., Chand, S., Vanneste, M., Longva, O., L'Heureux, J.S. & Forsberg, C.F.: Late MIS-3, LGM and Heinrich Stadial 1 ice sheet dynamics on the Lofoten-Vesterålen shelf, northern Norway. XIX INQUA congress (International Union for Quaternary Research). Nagoya, Japan 26th July to 2nd August 2015.
Brendryen, J., Haflidason, H., Rise, L., Chand, S., Vanneste, M., Longva, O., L'Heureux, J.S. & Forsberg, C.F.: A dynamical marine based ice sheet on the north Norwegian shelf, from Late MIS-3 to Heinrich Stadial 1. 45th International Arctic Workshop, Bergen 10-13. May 2015.
Buhl-Mortensen L. 2015. Utvikling av indikatorer for benthos. Overvåkingsgruppen, Tromsø, Norway.
Buhl-Mortensen L. 2015. Korallutbredelse i Nord Atlanteren i lys av geografiske barrierer og vannmasser. ”Ukens orientering” Havforskningsinstituttet, Bergen, Norway.
Buhl-Mortensen L, Serigstad B, Buhl-Mortensen P, Olsen MN, Ensrud TM, Ostrowski M, Błażewicz-Paszkowycz M, Jóźwiak P, Appoh E. 2015. Structure and megafaunal community of a large Lophelia reef on the Ivorian-Ghanaian margin (the Gulf of Guinea). 14th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal.
Buhl-Mortensen L. Buhl-Mortensen P. Dolan M. & Gonzalez-Mirelis G. 2015. Habitat mapping as a tool for conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. EEA-project, Mytelene, Greece.
Buhl-Mortensen L. 2015. Deep Sea mining in a seafloor integrity perspective: experiences from the MAREANO mapping programme. Workshop on marine minerals, Lisbon, Portugal (Invited speaker).
Buhl-Mortensen L. 2015. Planning 2016 BIOMETORE sampling cruise with IMR. EEA-BIOMETOR workshop, Lisboa, Portugal.
Buhl-Mortensen L. 2015. Mareano-10 years of mapping for the Norwegian government. EEA-Bulgaria initiative, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway
Buhl-Mortensen L, Buhl-Mortensen P, Dolan M, Gonzalez-Mirelis G. 2015. Habitat mapping as a tool for conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. ICES Annual Science Conference 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Buhl-Mortensen P, Gonzalez-Mirelis G, Dolan M, Buhl-Mortensen L. 2015. Classification and distribution modelling of deep-water biotopes and habitats – a foundation for offshore marine spatial management. ICES Annual Science Conference 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Buhl-Mortensen L, Buhl-Mortensen P, Dolan M, Gonzalez-Mirelis G. 2015. Habitat mapping as a tool for conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. ICES Annual Science Conference 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Buhl-Mortensen P, Gonzalez-Mirelis G, Dolan M, Buhl-Mortensen L. 2015. Classification and distribution modelling of deep-water biotopes and habitats – a foundation for offshore marine spatial management. ICES Annual Science Conference 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Buhl-Mortensen P. 2015. Mapping the Norwegian Sea Floor - 10 years and 20 cruises with the MAREANO project. Blue Box Seminar Series, Departments of Geography & Biology, Memorial University, Canada, December 4th, 2015.
Bøe, R.: Mangfold under vann. Foredrag på NGU-dagen. Trondheim, 5.-6. februar 2015.
Bøe, R.: Maringeologisk kartlegging av norske havområder. Foredrag for 10. klassene, Vikhammer ungdomsskole. Vikhammer, 25. februar 2015.
Bøe, R.: Marine geology at the Geological Survey of Norway in 2015. Foredrag på Eurogeosurveys Marine Geology Expert Group Annual Meeting 2015. Brussel, 23. oktober 2015.
Bøe, R. & NGU Marine Geology Team: Marine geological maps - How do we map in MAREANO and costal mapping projects. Foredrag på MAREANO-MAREMAP-INFOMAR Workshop. Trondheim, 8-9 December 2015.
Bøe, R., Skarðhamar, J. & Sandwave project team: Sandwaves and sand transport on the Barents Sea continental slope offshore northern Norway. NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, no. 1, 2015, p. 17. Vinterkonferansen 2015, Stavanger, January 12-14.
Dolan, M: Summary of biotope modelling, MAREANO. MAREANO programgruppemøte 24.3.15.
Dolan, M. & Thorsnes, T.: Statusrapport - uttesting av UHI i MAREANO. MAREANO programgruppemøte 28.10.15.
Dolan, M. & van Son, T.: Biotope mapping in Norway. Workshop on Marine Biotope Mapping for Conservation Purposes. Vilm, Germany. 30 November - 3 December 2015.
Dolan, M., Bellec, V., Elvenes, S. & Baeten, N.: Multibeam backscatter data for geological mapping. MAREANO-MAREMAP-INFOMAR Workshop, NGU 8-9 December.
Ekehaug, S., Tegdan, J., Aas, L.M., Steen, K.J., Dolan, M.,Thorsnes, T., Bjarnadóttir, L.R. & Buhl-Mortensen, P.: Underwater hyperspectral imageing for improved environmental mapping and monitoring of seabed habitats. Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping (GeoHab) 15th International Symposium, Salvador, Brazil. 3-8 May 2015.
Esteves, M.S.R., Bjarnadóttir, L.R., Rüther, D.C., Winsborrow, M. & Andreassen, K.: Potential subglacial basins in the Central Barents Sea; implications on the dynamics and retreat patterns of Sentralbankrenna. AMGG Research School Workshop 2015.
Gonzalez-Mirelis, G., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Dolan, M., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Jensen, G., Sveistrup, A., Bakkeplass. K. & Holte, B. 2015. Visualizing biological geospatial data through species distribution modeling for the MAREANO program. 50ht EMBS-symposium Oct 2015, Helgoland.
Holte Børge (HI), Lilja Rún Bjarnadóttir (NGU), Hanne Hodnesdal (Kartverket), 2015. Nye resultater fra MAREANO. MAREANO-konferansen, Oslo, 29. oktober.
Hogan, K., Graham, A., Spagnolo, M., Rise, L. & Shaw, J.: Crescentic scours on palaeo-ice stream beds. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-10923, EGU General Assembly 2015.
Holte, B, L Buhl-Mortensen, P Buhl-Mortensen, G Gonzales-Mirelis. The MAREANO-project. University of Alicante, Marine Biology Research Laboratory. Mars 2015.
Lecours, V., Lucieer, ., Micallef, A., Dolan, M., Brown, C., Edinger, E. & Devillers, R.: Where land meets sea: towards a complete coverage for terrain analysis of coastal environments, 36th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, St. John´s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. 8-11 June, 2015.
Ottesen, D.: Geological evolution and sedimentary environment during the Quaternary (last 3 million years) in the North Sea Basin. Kjærulf-seminar, NGU, 3. september.
Ottesen, D., Dowdeswell, J.A. & Bugge, T.: Sedimentary infill and depositional environment of the Early Quaternary North Sea Basin (56°N-62°N). Quaternary Research Association, UK, Annual Discussion Meeting: The Quaternary Geology of the North Sea and adjacent areas. Edinburgh, 5-8 January. Wiley Keynote Lecture.
Rise, L.: Submarine skred på norsk kontinentalskråningen. Forelesning Ingeniørgeologi særkurs, NTNU 17. februar 2015.
Sauer, S., Knies, J., Lepland, A., Chand, S., Eichinger, F., Cremiere, A. & Schubert, C. J.: Hydrocarbon seeps on the northern Norwegian shelf: Clues from geochemical investigations, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, Prague, Czech Republic, 16.-21.8.2015, p. 2775
Shackleton, C., Bjarnadóttir, L.R., Winsborrow, M. & Andreassen, K.: Meltwater landforms in the central Barents Sea and their implications for former subglacial drainage. AMGG Research School Workshop 2015.
Thorsnes, T.: Mapping and research to illuminate the dark side of our fjords and coastal zone (key note). Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway (eds. Nakrem, H.A. and Husås, A.M.). Number 1, 2015, p. 101.
Thorsnes, T.: Suggestions for items to include in an Atlantic Seabed Mapping Programme. Canada-EU-US Working Group Meeting on Atlantic Seabed Mapping, Brussels 23.2.2015.
Thorsnes, T.: From MAREANO to the Deep Sea - Technology and Knowledge Transfer. NTNU Oceans week, Deep Sea Mining: Resources, exploration, innovation, 5.5.2015.
Thorsnes, T. & Bjarnadottir, L.R.: Målestokk og stasjonstetthet i MAREANO - statusrapport. MAREANO styringsgruppe- og programgruppemøte, Bergen, 24.3.2015.
Thorsnes, T.: Statusrapport - uttesting av AUV i MAREANO. MAREANO styringsgruppe- og programgruppemøte, Oslo, 28.10.2015.
Thorsnes, T., van Son, T.C., Dolan, M.F.J., Gonzales-Mirelis, G., Baeten, N., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Bjarnadóttir, L.R., Hodnesdal, H. & Bellec, V.: Overlevering av metodikkstudien "An assessment of scale, sampling effort and confidence for maps based on visual and acoustic data in MAREANO". MAREANO styringsgruppe- og programgruppemøte 28.10.2015.
Thorsnes, T.: Havbunnen lekker - kartlegging av naturlige gass-søyler og naturtyper. MAREANO-konferansen, Oslo 29.10.2015.
Thorsnes, T.: MAREANO - mapping the Norwegian Seabed for Management and Science. UNIS, Longyearbyen 20.11.2015.
Thorsnes, T., Lågstad, P., Ludvigsen, M., Doland, M. and Chand, S.: Multi-platform multi-sensor investigations of a WW" dumpsite in Trondheimsfjorden - results and future challenges. NTNU Ocean Week, AUR-Lab workshop, Trondheim, 6.5.2015.
Thorsnes, T., Bjarnadottir, L. & Dolan, M.: USING AUV in MAREANO. MAREANO-INFOMAR-MAREMAP workshop on methods for marine geological map production, NGU, Trondheim 8-9.12.2015.
Thorsnes, T., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Bjarnadottir, L.R., Bellec, V. & Dolan, M.F.J.: Bioclastic sediments as proxy for cold water coral mounds - applications for ecosystem based management. ICES Annual Science Conference, Copenhagen 21-25.9. 2015.
Thorsnes, T. & the MAREANO team: Environmental seabed mapping on the Norwegian Shelf, slope and rise in the MAREANO programme - can lessons learnt be transferred to the Deep Sea. Centre for Geobiology workshop "From Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems to the Sustainable Exploitation of Massive Sulfide Deposits: Myths and Realities of the Deep Sea, Bergen 11-13.5.2015
van Son, T.C.: Introduction to R - grunnleggende innføring i datastrukturer og enkle programmeringstrukturer i R. 2-dagers kurs, NGU, mars 2015.
van Son, T., Dolan, M.F.J., Gonzalez-Mirelis, G., Thorsnes, T., Bjarnadóttir, L.R. & Buhl-Mortensen, B.: The development of an Environmenal Variabililty Index (EVI) to scale sampling effort in marine habitat mapping. Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping (GeoHab) 15th International Symposium, Salvador, Brazil. 3-8 May 2015.
van Son, T.C., Dolan, M., Gonzales-Mirelis, G., Thorsnes, T., Bjarnadóttir, L.R. & Buhl-Mortensen, P.: How Many Stations and Where to Put them? MAREANO-INFOMAR-MAREMAP workshop on methods for marine geological map production, NGU, Trondheim 8-9.12.2015.
van Son, T.C. et al.: Species-environment relationships and the importance of proper sampling strategy and design. Invitert foredrag, mai 2015. Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile.
Vanneste, M., Vardy, M., L’Heureux, J-S., Longva, O., Morgan, E., Knudsen, S., Forsberg, C-F., Brendryen, J., Haflidason, H., Kvalstad, T.J., Kopf, A., Mörz, T., Steiner, A., Chand, S., Strout, J.M. & Lunne, T.: Finneidfjord – a Natural Field Laboratory for Shallow Landsliding. 3rd International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Scandic Holmenkollen Park, Oslo, 10-12 June, 2015.
Andreassen, K., Bjarnadóttir, L.R., Winsborrow, M., Patton, H. & Hubbard, A.L.: Patterns of past ice-sheet flow in the Barents Sea. International Conference on Arctic Margins 2015.
Baeten, N.J., Knies, J., Rise, L., Bellec, V., Chand, S. & Bøe, R.: Mass movements on the SW Barents Sea margin - preliminary results. Poster at Submarine mass movements and their consequences, 7th International Symposium, 1-4 November 2015, Wellington, New Zealand.
Bellec, V.K., Bøe, R., Plassen, L., Baeten, N., Olsen, H., Ottesen, D., Bjarnadóttir, L.R., Lepland, A., Thorsnes, T., Dolan, M. & Elvenes, S.: Sediment maps of the Norwegian and Barents seas. 7th International Conference on Arctic Margins - ICAM 2015, Trondheim, 2nd - 5th June 2015. NGU report 2015.032, p.19.
Buhl-Mortensen L, Olafsdottir SH, Buhl-Mortensen P, Burgos JM, Ragnarsson SA. 2015. Distribution of nine cold-water coral species (Scleractinia and Gorgonacea) in the cold
temperate North Atlantic: effects of bathymetry and hydrography. 14th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal.
Esteves, M.S. R. Bjarnadóttir, L. R., Rüther, D.C., Winsborrow, M.C.M. & Andreassen, K.: Potential subglacial basins in the Central Barents Sea; implications on the dynamics and retreat patterns of Sentralbankrenna. June 2015, IGS meeting, Höfn, Iceland.
Shackleton, C.S., Bjarnadóttir, L.R., Winsborrow, M. & Andreassen, K.: Meltwater landforms in the central Barents Sea and their implications for former subglacial drainage. IGS meeting, June 2015, Höfn, Iceland.
Buhl-Mortensen, L., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Holte, B., Gonzalez-Mirelis, G. 2015. The deep-sea off Lofoten, Vesterålen and Troms: Bottom habitats and fauna. In: The Norwegian sea floor: new knowledge from MAREANO for ecosystem-based management, (ISBN 978-82-690163-0-7), pp 71-79.
Buhl-Mortensen, L., Hodnesdal, H. & Torsnes, T. 2015. The Norwegian sea floor. Skipnes press, (ISBN 978-82-690163-0-7), 192 pp.
Buhl-Mortensen, P. & Buhl-Mortensen, L. 2015. Environmental threats - pollution and physical impacts: Effect of fisheries. In: The Norwegian sea floor: new knowledge from MAREANO for ecosystem-based management, (ISBN 978-82-690163-0-7), pp 150-155.
Buhl-Mortensen, P., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Dolan, M. 2015. Mid-Norwegian continental shelf and slope: Bottom habitats and fauna. In: The Norwegian sea floor: new knowledge from MAREANO for ecosystem-based management, (ISBN 978-82-690163-0-7), pp108-115.
Buhl-Mortensen, P., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Holte, B., Dolan, M., Dannheim, J., Kröger, K. 2015. Benthic fauna - the shelf off Lofoten - Vesterålen - Troms. In: The Norwegian sea floor: new knowledge from MAREANO for ecosystem-based Management, (ISBN 978-82-690163-0-7), pp 52-59.
Bøe, R., Bellec, V.K., Thorsnes, T., Picard, K., Dolan, M., Rise, L., Elvenes, S., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Holte, B., Dannheim, J., Kröger, K., 2015. Tromsøflaket, Eggakanten and the areas off Finnmark. In: The Norwegian sea floor: new knowledge from MAREANO for ecosystem-based Management, (ISBN 978-82-690163-0-7), pp 23-41.
Degré, E., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Thorsnes, T., Hodnesdal, H. 2015. Practical use of new knowledge. I: The Norwegian sea floor: new knowledge from MAREANO for ecosystem-based management, (ISBN 978-82-690163-0-7) pp 177-183.
Gonzalez-Mirelis, G., Holte, B., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Buhl-Mortensen, L., 2015. Barents Sea and coast of Finnmark: The bottom fauna. In: The Norwegian sea floor: new knowledge from MAREANO for ecosystem-based management, (ISBN 978-82-690163-0-7), pp 26-135.
Holte, B., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Tandberg, A.H.S., Hassel, A., Dolan, M., Dannheim, J., Kröger, K. 2015.The bottom fauna from Lofoten to Finnmark: Fauna collected using beamtrawl, sled and grab. In: The Norwegian sea floor: new knowledge from MAREANO for ecosystem-based management, (ISBN 978-82-690163-0-7) pp 81-91.