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Vitenskapelige artikler med fagfellevurdering

Buhl-Mortensen, L., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Dolan, M.F.J., Dannheim, J., Bellec, V., & Holte, B. 2012. Habitat complexity and bottom fauna composition at different scales on the continental shelf and slope of northern Norway. Hydrobiologia, 685:191-219.

Buhl-Mortensen, L., Bøe, R., Dolan, M.F.J., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Thorsnes, T., Elvenes, S. & Hodnesdal, H. 2012. Banks, troughs and canyons on the continental margin off Lofoten, Vesterålen, and Troms, Norway, Ch. 51. pp 703-715, in Harris, P. & Baker, E. (eds.) Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHab Atlas of seafloor geomorphic features and benthic habitats".  Elsevier Insights E-Book. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-385140-6.00051-7

Bøe, R., Bellec, V.K., Rise, L., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Chand, S., Thorsnes,T., 2012. Catastrophic fluid escape venting-tunnels and related features associated with large submarine slides on the continental rise off Vesterålen–Troms, North Norway. Marine and Petroleum Geology 38:95–103.

Katsanevakis, S., Weber, A., Pipitone, C., Leopold, M., Cronin, M., Scheidat, M., Doyle, T.K., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Buhl-Mortensen, P., D'Anna, G., de Boois, I., Dalpadado, P., Damalas, D., Fiorentino, F., Garofalo, G., Giacalone, V. M., Hawley, K. L., Issaris, Y., Jansen, J., Knight, C.M., Knittweis, L., Kröncke, I., Mirto, S., Muxika, I., Reiss, H., Skjoldal, H-R., Vöge, S. 2012. Monitoring marine populations and communities: review of methods and tools dealing with imperfect detectability, Aquatic Biology, 16:31-52.

Spremberg U., Hoeg, J. T., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Yusa, Y. 2012. Cypris settlement and formation of dwarf males in the androdioecious barnacle Scalpellum scalpellum: field samples and laboratory settlement experiments. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 422-423: 39–47.

Steltzenmüller W. Breen P., Stamford T.,Thomsen F., Badalamenti F., Borja A., Buhl-Mortensen L., Carlstom J., D’Anna G., Dankers N., Degraer D., Dujin M., Fiorentino F., Galparsoro I., Giakoumi S., Gristina M., Johnson K., Jones P.J.S, Katsanevakis S., Knittweism L., Kyriazi Z., Pipitone C., Piwowarczyk J., Rabaut M., Sørensen T.K., van Dalfsen J., Vassilopoulou V., Vega Fernández T., Vincx M., Voge S., Weber A., Wijkmark, Jak R., Qiu W., Hofstede R. 2013. Monitoring and evaluating of spatially managed areas: A generic framework for implementation of ecosystem based marine management and its application, Marine Pollution Bulletin 37: 149-164.

Rapporter i egne rapportserier

Anon., 2012. Aktivitetsplan 2012–2014. MAREANOs Programgruppe. Mai 2012.

Anon., 2012. Årsrapport 2011. MAREANOs Programgruppe. Mai 2012.

Dolan, M. F. J.: Calculation of slope angle from bathymetry data using GIS - effects of computation algorithms, data resolution and analysis scale. NGU Report 2012.041.

Dolan, M.F.J., Thorsnes, T., Leth, J., Alhamdani, Z., Guinan, J., Van Lancker, V.: Terrain characterization from bathymetry data at various resolutions in European waters - experiences and recommendations. NGU Report 2012.045.

Dolan, M.F.J., Thorsnes, T., Leth, J., Alhamdani, Z., Guinan, J., Van Lancker, V.: Terrain characterization from bathymetry data at various resolutions in European waters - experiences and recommendations. Deliverable 10.5 Standards for seabed habitat mapping - report for Geo-Seas project. www.geo-seas.eu.

Holte B, Buhl-Mortensen P, Jørgensen LL. MAREANO toktrapport 2011.

Elvenes, S., Buhl-Mortensen P. & Dolan, M.F.J.: Evaluation of alternative bathymetry data sources for MAREANO: A comparison of the Olex bathymetry and multibeam data for substrate and biotope mapping. Last ned publikasjon / Download publication

Populærvitenskapelige artikler (eksterne nettsider)

Løvø, G. & Bøe, R. 2012: Fann ukjente grotter på djupt vatn. Nyhet på www.forskning.no 22. november 2012. https://forskning.no/havforskning-norges-geologiske-undersokelse-partner/fann-ukjende-grotter-pa-djupt-vatn/668875

Røiseland, S.F & Bøe, R. 2012: Denne blekkspruten er 200 millioner år gammel. Nyhetssak på www.forskning.no 23.05.22012. https://forskning.no/marin-geologi/denne-blekkspruten-er-200-millioner-ar-gammel/704729

Sunnset B H, Holte B, 2012. Flere nye børstemarker. Nyhetssak, 6. sept 2012. https://forskning.no/skall--og-bunndyr-sjodyr-havforskning/flere-nye-borstemarker/685511

Sunnset B H, Holte B, 2012. Oppdaget tre nye korallrev. Nyhetssak 22. mai 2012. https://forskning.no/havforskningsinstituttet-havforskning-skall--og-bunndyr/oppdaget-tre-nye-korallrev/705177

Sunnset B H, Holte B, 2012. Discovered three new coral reefs off the coast of mid-Norway. Nyhetssak 22. mai 2012 http://sciencenordic.com/discovered-three-new-coral-reefs-coast-mid-norway


Presentasjoner og foredrag

Bellec, V.K., Bøe, R., Rise, L. & Thorsnes, T.: From Multibeam Data to Geological Maps - MAREANO programme. MAREANO - International workshop on seabed mapping methods and technology. 17-18th October 2012, Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim.

Buhl-Mortensen, L. & Buhl-Mortensen, P. 2012. Classification of deep-sea habitats and biotopes off Norway. 13th International Deep-sea Biology Symposium 2012, 3 - 7 December, Wellington, New Zealand.

Buhl-Mortensen, L., Buhl-Mortensen, P, Dolan, M.F.J., Dannheim, J., Bellec, V., Holte, B.: Habitat complexity and bottom fauna composition at different scales on the continental shelf and slope of northern Norway. GEOHAB Habitat Characterization and Mapping in Coastal and Inland Seas, the SeaDoc Society/Tombolo and the Geological Survey of Canada, 86. Orcas Island, Washington State, USA, 1.-4. May 2012.

Buhl-Mortensen, L. 2012. The biological MAREANO sampling – methods and their relevance. MAREANO int. workshop, Trondheim 17. oktober 2012.

Buhl-Mortensen, P., Buhl-Mortensen, L. 2012. Cold-water coral habitats in Norway. 13th International Deep-sea Biology Symposium 2012, 3.–7. december, Wellington, New Zealand

Buhl-Mortensen, P. 2012. Korallrev langs Norskekysten. Senioruniversitetet. Osterøy Bibliotek, Lonevåg, 1. november.

Buhl-Mortensen, P. 2012. Biodiversity in cold-water coral ecosystems – The role of succession and habitat complexity. Keynote presentation, 5th International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals,1-6 April 2012, Amsterdam, Holland.

Buhl-Mortensen, P. & J.H. Fosså.  2012. Biodiversity of cold water coral reef communities in Norway. Hermione annual meeting 2012, 10-14 September 2012, Carvoeira, Portugal.

Buhl-Mortensen, P. 2012. Sponge habitats documented by MAREANO. Forum for Offshore Environmental Monitoring. October 30th and 31st 2012, Oslo.

Buhl-Mortensen, P. 2012. Looking at the seabed – visual description of sediment and fauna in Mareano. MAREANO int. workshop, Trondheim 17. Oktober 2012.

Dolan, M.: MAREANO - første utkast til NiN naturtypekart på natursystemnivå. MAREANO-Naturtyper i Norge (NiN) meeting. Artsdatabanken, Trondheim. 17 januar 2012.

Dolan, M.: Overview of habitat mapping in MAREANO and the Astafjord project.  NTNU-AUR lab workshop, 22 May 2012.

Dolan, M.: Seabed mapping in Norway – delivering information for coastal and ocean management. INFOMAR annual seminar. Cork, Ireland. 11-12 October 2012.

Dolan, M. & Elvenes, S.: Habitat modelling work in MAREANO and the Astafjord project, Norway. Nordforsk network workshop, Helsinki 13-15 June 2012.

Dolan, M., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Elvenes, S., Habitat and biotope modeling in MAREANO. MAREANO - International workshop on seabed mapping methods and technology. 17-18th October 2012, Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim.

Dolan, M., Bellec, V. K., Elvenes, S., Bøe, R., Thorsnes, T., Chand, S., Rise, L. & Winsborrow, M.: An overview of the use of acoustic data for geology and habitat mapping in MAREANO. MAREANO - International workshop on seabed mapping methods and technology. 17-18th October 2012, Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim.

Elvenes, S.: Nede på bunnen i det mørke hav: Noen resultater fra MAREANO-prosjektet. Tretimers invitert foredrag på Lofoten Folkehøgskole, Kabelvåg, 3. februar 2012.

Elvenes, S.: Utvikling av biotopkart i MAREANO. Presentasjon på Maringeologiseminar, NGU, 26. oktober 2012
Gonzalez-Mirelis, G., 2012. Statistical tools for modelling the spatial distribution of biotopes. MAREANO int. workshop, Trondheim 17. oktober 2012.

Hodnesdal H, Ofstad A, Gunleiksrud G, Holte B, Thorsnes T, 2012. MAREANO – Kartlegging av Norskehavet utenfor Møre og Trøndelagskysten. Status for arealdekkende dybdekartlegging kystnært på Møre. Lokale kartdager i Møre og Romsdal, 21-22. november 2012, Molde

Hodnesdal H 2012, Acoustic data acquistiton in MAREANO – an overview. International workshop on seabed mapping methods and technology, Trondheim 17-18 October 2012

Hodnesdal H 2012, MAREANO - Marin arealdatabase for norske kyst- og havområder, Karttreff 2012, 27. september, Sola

Hodnesdal H, Iversen H, Ofstad A 2012, Seabed Bathymetry Mapping - Methods and Challenges, Workshop – Underwater Technology and Operations, Longyearbyen 19-21 March 2012

Holte B, 2012. MAREANO – methods and some results. Til Norsk olje&gass, Tromsø Sept. 6.

Holte B. 2012. Mareanos virksomhet i 2011. MAREANO fellesmøte Tromsø 14. juni.

Holte B. 2012. MAREANOs data – hvem er brukerne? MAREANO fellesmøte Tromsø 14. juni.

Holte B, 2012. The MAREANO seabed mapping program. Marine data Management on perspectives and research, FAPESP workshop, Sau Paulo Brazil 11.-13. April.

Plassen, L. & Elvenes, S.: Nede på bunnen i det mørke hav: Noen resultater fra MAREANO-prosjektet. Presentasjon for Bodø videregående skole, NGU, 02.11.2012.

Tandberg A-H, Holte B. Om Mareano. Foreningen Arctandria. Tromsø 26. januar 2012 (åpent foredrag, Tromsø museum).

Tandberg A-H. Poxocephalida from the MAREANO program – ecological distribution. Crustacean Scociety Summer Meeting, Athen 6.juni 2012.

Thorsnes, T.: MAREANO – fra havet til kysten. Presentasjon på NGU-dagene 6-7.2.2012, Trondheim

Thorsnes, T.: MAREANO – Seabed mapping for ocean management. Seabed mapping and inspection, 9.2.2012, Geilo.

Thorsnes, T.: MAREANO – the need for geological knowledge in ocean management. Presentasjon på seminar på Universitetet i Tromsø 17.2.2012, Tromsø.

Thorsnes, T.: Forurensningsstudier – fra Skagerrak til MAREANO. Workshop på NGU 7.-8. mars, Trondheim.

Thorsnes, T.: MAREANO – integrated seabed mapping. Presentasjon på seminar på Universitetet Svalbard 20.3, Longyearbyen.

Thorsnes, T.: MAREANO – integrated seabed mapping and the need for new methods and technologies. Presentasjon på Biologisk institutt, NTNU 22.6, Trondheim

Thorsnes, T.: The MAREANO program in Norway – the role of geology in integrated mapping for ocean management – from deep sea corals to giant submarine slides. Presentasjon på Geoscience Australia 2.8, Canberra, Australia

Thorsnes, T.: The MAREANO program in Norway – the role of geology in integrated mapping for ocean management. Invitert foredrag i sesjonen “Geoscience applications for ocean management and also for supporting Juris¬dictional claims under the United Nations Law of the Sea” på 34IGC 7.8, Brisbane, Australia.

Thorsnes, T.: MAREANO – an integrated national seabed mapping program providing knowledge for ocean management. Keynote-foredrag på Hydro International  2012, Rotterdam, Nederland.

Thorsnes, T, Holte, B. & Hodnesdal, H.: MAREANO seabed mapping – providing knowledge for ecosystem-based ocean management. MODEG (Marine Observation and Data Expert Group), 19.6, Brussel, Belgia.

Thorsnes, T., Brunstad, H., Lågstad, P., Chand, S. og Lepland, A.: AUV’s equipped with Synthetic Aperture Sonar and other tools – a new tool for detailed seabed mapping. International workshop on methods and technologies for seabed mapping, 17.10, NGU, Trondheim.


Buhl-Mortensen, L., P. Buhl-Mortensen, V. Bellec, M. Dolan og B. Holte 2012. MAREANO – kartlegging av havbunnens biomangfold og miljø i norske havområder. Poster. Norske Havforskeres Forening, Årsmøte 2012, 31. oktober – 2. november, Bergen.

Buhl-Mortensen, L., J. Høeg 2012. Rreproduction strategy in deep-sea epixoic scalpellid barnacles. Poster. 13th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, 3-7. December 2012, Wellington, New Zealand.

Bøe, R., Dolan, M., Thorsnes, T., Holte, B., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Bellec, V. & Elvenes, S. 2012: MAREANO - revealing the secrets of Norway’s seafloor. GeoHab 2012. Rosario Resort, Orcas Island, Washington State, USA, 1-4 May 2012.