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Kongsberg Discovery Sounder Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) in Norwegian waters.

USV: MAREANO wants to accelerate the shift towards lower carbon emissions in seabed mapping. Use of USVs is one way to achieve this goal. The programme will publish a USV-based tender for the 2025 season in January.

Photo: Geir Pedersen / Havforskningsinstituttet

USV-based survey in the North Sea

MAREANO will announce an invitation to tender for seabed mapping with Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) in the North Sea, January 2025.

MAREANO has decided to publish a USV-based tender for the 2025 season. In December, the programme invited the industry for specific feedback on USV as a survey platform and input on the MAREANO standard for multibeam and sub-bottom profiler (SBP) data.

– The tender will be announced on TED and Doffin around January 20, with a deadline around February 17, says Helge Welde from the Norwegian Mapping Authority, Hydrographic Service.

About the upcoming tender

The upcoming tender will require use of USV. The suppliers themselves must determine the need for any support vessels.

– We want to emphasize that in this procurement, we are seeking experience with USVs. Therefore, USV must be the platform used for the seabed mapping, Welde informs.

The current technical specification, the MAREANO standard for multibeam and sub-bottom profiler (SBP) data, will be modified considering the use of USV.

The survey areas will be limited to areas shallower than 250 meters within the prioritized areas NRE-2 and NRE-7 blocks, as shown in the map illustration. As we yet don’t have the sufficient understanding of the price level, we have included three additional possible areas east of the NRE-7 block.

Kartutsnitt med markerte boksar i områder i Nordsjøen.
THE NORTH SEA: The survey areas will be limited to areas shallower than 250 meters within the prioritized areas NRE-2 and NRE-7 blocks. Due to insufficient understanding of the price level, we have included three additional possible areas east of the NRE-7 block. Source: Norwegian Mapping Authority / MAREANO

In the tender MAREANO will request a price per square kilometre, not a daily rate. The budget for the procurement is around 6.000.000 NOK.

– We want to share as much information as possible with the industry, as early as possible. However, note that neither the tender nor the budget is fully planned yet. Therefore, the information above may be subject to change, says Welde.

Thanks for the feedback on USV as a survey platform

The MAREANO programme thanks all the suppliers who submitted proposals on optimal solutions when USV is used as the survey platform, and feedback on the current technical specification.

– We received feedback from a dozen companies. The range of solutions proposed were broad and innovative. The valuable information we have received will be used in the preparation of the procurement and tender documents, says Welde.


Photo of Helge Welde

Helge Welde

Norwegian Mapping Authority, Hydrographic Service
Bathymetry and procurements
Chief Engineer
+47 51 85 88 47
Photo of Sissel Kanstad

Sissel Kanstad

Norwegian Mapping Authority, Hydrographic Service
Communications advisor
+47 51 85 88 28 / +47 995 13 848
Kongsberg Discovery Sounder Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) in Norwegian weaters. Mountains on the horizon.

USV-based survey in MAREANO in 2025 – is it possible?

MAREANO is in the planning phase for a survey with Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) next year. Therefore, we kindly ask the industry for specific feedback on USV as a survey platform – already by December 16.


Bathymetric Mapping

The Norwegian Mapping Authority Hydrographic Service is responsible for acquiring bathymetric data in areas which are to be mapped by the MAREANO programme.