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Biological data

Three purple corals with white stem


The species database Marbunn

Marbunn provides access to metadata about cruises and stations that have been investigated through Mareano. You can also download this information.

Metadatabase for fauna and environmental data

Metadata entries for all datasets are located on Geonorge.

Modelling of bottom currents

Bottom currents have a major impact on the seabed and which animals can live there. It is difficult to measure the bottom flow over large areas, but better models allow these to be calculated relatively accurately. In Mareano, the results are used in the work on habitat type maps. For access to model results from NorKyst-800, contact

Read more about modelling of bottom currents here.

R1536VL1585 00 24 10 06c

Raw data for grabs report

Background dataset for grab report - Commissioned by MAREANO's program group, the Institute of Marine Research delivered a report in April 2018 in which the quantitative catch characteristics for small and large grab sedemint sampler were compared. A small grab collects sediment from a bottom area of 0.1 m2, while a large grab has a collected area of 0.25 m2.

The background for the project is that since its inception in 2006 and up to and including 2017, MAREANO has used large grabs in the mapping of Norwegian sea areas, and there has been a need to find out whether these grab results can be compared with data collected with small grabs by the petroleum industry when monitoring pollution around the offshore installations on the Norwegian shelf and in the Norwegian economic zone. The survey has been carried out to clarify whether MAREANO's fauna data collected with grabs can contribute with basic data for the petroleum industry's routine offshore monitoring.

  1. Read the article (pdf)
  2. Overview of the raw data used in the report (Excel)

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Coral surrounded in darkness


Biological data

Institute of Marine Research
Order data

Pål Buhl-Mortensen

Head of the MAREANO Programme at the Institute of Marine Research

+47 48403792