MAREANO Annual Report 2020
Published: 05.07.2021
MAREANO is a national, interdisciplinary programme which objective is mapping the Norwegian ocean floor. The mapping data includes bathymetry, seabed substrate, biodiversity, natural habitats and sediment contamination, and supplies up-to-date knowledge tomanagement agencies, industry, academia and the general public.
To date a total of c. 287660 km2 of bathymetry data have been acquired by MAREANO. Additionally, bathymetry from external parties have been used. The bathymetry forms the basis for the planning of sampling cruises and the mapping of the geological, biological and chemical environmental conditions of the seafloor. Up until now, a total of 229613 km2 of seafloor have been sampled in the field regarding its geology, biology and chemistry. High resolution bathymetry data are also important for the modelling of nature types and biotopes, as well as potential occurrences of cold-water coral reefs.
Surveys and sampling in 2020
Bathymetry surveys:
- The Spitsbergenbanki the BarentsSea: 3708 km2
- SUM of bathymetry surveys 3 708 km2
Geological, biological and chemical sampling:
- Frøyabanken (1536 km2)
- Sula trekant (218 km2)
- Sula-Halten (353 km2)
- Haltenbanken (2680 km2)
- Halten-Iverryggen (125 km2)
- Sklinnabanken (635 km2)
- Sklinnadjupet (900 km2)
- Sklinna vest (1312 km2)
- Transekt NS-E-W, deler a-e (1818 km2)
- Trænadjupet (595 km2)
- Trænabanken (1161 km2)
- SUM of geo-bio-chem-sampling Norskehavet 11 333 km2
New in 2020
Based on the results of the contamination study (reported in 2019) the traditional sampling tubes have been replacedwith steel tubes especially developed for microplasticsampling.
Potential coral mounds: The method was further developed in 2020 and now includes a semi-automatic step that extracts areasfor further analysis, increasing the efficiency of the method.
Dissemination of results in 2020
- 13peer-reviewed papers
- 20presentations/poster on meeting and conferences
- 177 news stories
- EMODnet (bathymetry, geology, biology, biotopes/nature types)
- Faglig forum (Management Forum of the Norwegian Sea areas) & Overvåkingsgruppen
- Olex and Sailorsmate (chart plotters onboard fishing vessels)