Mapped areas
Multibeam-mapped areas
Sum depth measurements, all years: about 131 000 km2.
- 2013: 26 805 km2 was mapped by MAREANO. 7 008 km2 in the Norwegian Sea and 19 797 km2 in the Barents Sea. In addition depth data was made available by Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in Vestfjorden.
- 2012: 16 600 km2 was mapped by MAREANO at Iverryggen, Sularevet, Skjoldryggen and Mørebankene, and additionally 18 168 km2 in the "earlier disputed area" within the Barent Sea. In addition depth data was made available by Statoil (slope Storegga north), Olex AS (single beam data; parts of Mørebanken) and by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI; Kristiansund – Halten).
- 2011: 23 641 km2 Nordland VI (15 590 km2) and the earlier disputed areas in the Barents Sea (8 051 km2).
- 2010: 6.800 km2 The Nordkapp-transect, Troms III, Nordland VI; In addition 8.060 km2 was received from Statoil.
- 2009: 13.737 km2 Eggakanten, Troms III
- 2008: 24.316 km2 Nordland VII, Troms II
- 2007: 5.000 km2 Nordland VII, Troms II
- 2006: 4.600 km2 Tromsøflaket, Troms III
- 2005: 984 km2 Tromsøflaket
Bio-geo-chemistry-mapped areas
In total, all years inclusive of 2014, an area of 157 585 km2 has been sampled by MAREANO:
- 2014: 21 305 km2, of which 6 030 km2 in the Norwegian Sea, 9 275 km2 off the coast of Finnmark County in the Barents Sea, and 6 000 km2 in the central parts of the Barents Sea.
- 2013: 28 925 km2, where 10 025 km2 was sampled in the Norwegian Sea without video data (re. 2012 below), and 6 900 km2 inclusive of video data. 12 000 km2 was sampled in the central parts of the Barents Sea.
- 2012: 21 055 km2 was mapped,of which 3 600 km2 mapped at Nordland VI (see also 2010 and 2011) and 17 455 km2 video-mapped in the Norwegian Sea, mid-Norwegian shelf (Iverryggen, Sularevet, slope Storegga north, Kristiansund – Halten and Mørebanken). Out of these 17 455 km2 mapped in the Norwegian Sea, 7500 km2 was additionally mapped by using physical sampling (grab, beamtrawl, sled, multicorer). The remaining areas for physical sampling, 9 955 km2, is to be sampled in 2013.
- 2011: 22 400 km2 Nordland VI (19 400 km2) and an area outside the coast of Finnmark County (3 000 km2).
- 2010: 16.000 km2 The Nordkapp-transect, Troms III, Nordland VI
- 2009: 16.000 km2 Troms II, Nordland VII, Eggakanten.
- 2008: 16.000 km2 Troms II, Nordland VII; In addition Hadsel- Gavl- and Andfjord inside the coastline
(2.000 km2). - 2007: 14.000 km2 Tromsøflaket, Troms II, Nordland VII
- 2006: 2.100 km2 Tromsøflaket; In addition 1.000 km2 was mapped in Lopphavet and Stjernsund
inside the coastline.